Saturday, June 30, 2007

Friday, June 29, 2007

My Mom, I really love her!

My mom is so special, I don't know if she knows how much I really care for her. My mom has just purchased her new home and is in the process of moving in. I can tell that she is so excited to be doing this. She really deserves this big step. I wish I could be down there to help her move in and enjoy the house. If you don't know her, she is a wonderful person. She is such a great christian, loving, friendly,caring, and strong person. She is the type of woman who will take children under her wing when others tossed them aside and didn't care. I am so blessed to have a mom like her and I thank God everyday for her. Mom, your the best!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Children are God's little angels

These children are our world. Ashton is two now and is addicted to cars while Kierstin is one and loves dolls. It is so funny to sit and listen to them play, even though they fight most of the time. People always ask is it hard having two kids so close together and i also say no. I think that it is good having two the same age because it is like having twins. They are so close and will always have a friend. Don't get me wrong, sometimes i do feel like pulling my hair out. Just imagine when one gets very sleepy and you can't wake them up and fall asleep but by the time you get the other laid down, the other one wakes up, or when you just get through changing one, the other one poops. Fun times. Well you got to love them, they are Gods angels and i would not trade them for the world.