Sunday, November 4, 2007

Happy Birthday to me or was it a sad one?

The end of October was my birthday and Leo decided that he would surprise me with a night out to a dinner show boat. We arrived in Nashville to the General Jackson Showboat, It looked nice and very romantic. The weather was very rainy and nasty so we didn't get to spend a lot of time outside like we wanted. The inside was very nice, it reminded me of Titanic, we sat at a table with 8 other people 3 retired teachers their husbands and a young couple who were teachers. Since I am going to be a teacher next year, most of the talk at the table was advice, pros and cons to teaching. The entertainment was good other than I had to get up onstage because it was my birthday, and the food was good. The only problem I had was after a while I felt very sick. Leo has very bad motion sickness and I didn't know that he had taken medicine before we left and I was so worried that he was going to be sick, but he didn't. I thought that my sickness would go away, but when he left the boat and went back to the hotel I still felt sick. I was trying to get sleep because I had to teach the next day, but my body could not fight it anymore and I got sick the whole night. Thank God I stopped throwing up in time to teach. So I don't know if it was the food or if I got motion sickness. So I will never forget my birthday when I got sick.